Montville, CT Water Pollution Control Authority (MWPCA) recently contracted with CAI to configure and host their GIS data using CAI’s AxisGIS Editor service. The secure Editor service is accessible to MWPCA staff through a login on the Town of Montville’s AxisGIS site. After standardizing existing CAD data of the Sewer system, CAI worked with the MWPCA and their Engineering firm to establish a comprehensive GIS database including various inspection tables. MWPCA staff are now able to access/edit data from either the office or in the field. Using ESRI’s Collector for ArcGIS application crew are updating feature attributes and completing inspection records for Pump Stations and Manholes as well as tracking CCTV Pipe Inspections, Cross Country line clearing and Pipe Flushing. As a result, the MWPCA Superintendent can monitor inspection progress via ArcGIS Online Dashboards created by CAI and performing custom queries and exports using the AxisGIS Advanced Query tools.